
Good Food just one club of interest for first-year

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natalie.jpgA highlight of this week was definitely the activities fair, which was held in the Hall of Presidents on Thursday. Many students gathered in order to sign up for the numerous clubs and groups 蹤獲弝け offers.

This semester, I look forward to being a member of clubs like WRCU (the 蹤獲弝け radio station), a vegetarian/sustainable food club called Good Food, a group focused on raising breast cancer awareness, the Disaster Relief Team (DiRT), and maybe a few others.

From the ping pong club, to the 蹤獲弝け jugglers (who performed at the activities fair), to Habitat for Humanity, and the French and finance clubs, students could find a club for virtually any interest at the event.

I look forward to continuing my activity in the clubs I joined last semester while looking into some of the new clubs I signed up for.

This weekend is exciting for students who will be going to Syracuse for a concert. 蹤獲弝けs CAB association offered a limited number of tickets, including transportation to and from the concert, to the first eighty students who stood in line.

Luckily, my friends and I were able to get tickets and we will be going to the concert tonight. We look forward to attending and enjoying the concert with many of our classmates, and bringing a little bit of 蹤獲弝け to Syracuse.

Lately, 蹤獲弝けs new Trudy Fitness Center has been packed with students. Possibly due to some recently created New Years resolutions, students are utilizing the campus facilities in order to get ready for spring.

I think a trip to the gym, pool, rock-climbing wall, or an aerobics class is a great way to fight the cold weather and to refocus after a long day of classes and schoolwork. I enjoy getting exercise during the winter months because it gets me active, out of my dorm room, and away from the dining hall.

Many students are beginning to organize their Super Bowl parties for Sunday. Those fortunate enough to have large screen televisions in their dorms will be seeing an influx of TV-less friends desiring to watch the game come 6:30.

I look forward to being able to watch the game in a friends room and cheering on the Giants!

Look every Friday for my blog entries about what is going on at 蹤獲弝け.