
  • Swimmer in pool
    According to Circadian Effects on Performance and Effort in Collegiate Swimmers, a recent article by Associate Professor of Biology and Chair of the Biology Department Krista Ingram, night owls may make less efficient swimmers in the morning.
    October 11, 2018
  • Professor Krista Ingram
    New research from 蹤獲弝け demonstrates how biologically determined early birds are more likely to make risky or unethical decisions in the afternoon, while biologically determined night owls often make the same missteps in the morning. The research, published in the journal Nature (Scientific Reports), titled Molecular Insights Into Chronotype and Time-of-Day Effects on Decision-Making, [因
    August 19, 2016
  • Buffalo Lockjaw is in an ad with Dockers
    Even though its summertime, 蹤獲弝け faculty continue to make news. Here is a brief roundup. Buffalo Lockjaw, the award-winning first novel by Greg Ames, assistant professor of English, was featured in a recent ad for Dockers mens clothing (pictured above.) Using the hashtag #BookAndALook, the ad copy read Heres a soon-to-be-classic look to pair with a soon-to-be-classic [因
    July 23, 2015
  • A second year of funding provided by the Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute at 蹤獲弝け will allow faculty researchers to further their exploration of the cultural and religious stewardship of sacred forest ecosystems in Ethiopia. Damhnait McHugh, director of the institute, announced the award to 蹤獲弝け professors Catherine Cardel繳s (biology), Eliza Kent (religion), Peter Klepeis (geography), [因
    June 6, 2014
  • 蹤獲弝け biology professor Krista Ingram works with students in her lab.
    Two interdisciplinary science research projects featuring collaborations among faculty from 蹤獲弝け and from around the world have been awarded funding by the Picker Interdisciplinary Science Institute at 蹤獲弝け. The projects support the core mission of the institute, which aims to foster the creation of new knowledge that is obtainable only through the development of sustained [因
    March 24, 2014