
  • As the chairperson of 蹤獲弝けs Environmental Council, associate professor of Russian Ian Helfant tries to practice what he preaches. Some of the green changes Helfant has made to his mid-1970s home include a wood pellet stove, a compost pail in the kitchen, and a water heater thats so heavily insulated it looks more like a [因
    October 3, 2008
  • Peer deep into space through the eyes of the orbiting Hubble Telescope. Travel back billions of years to witness the birth of the universe. Get an up-close look at ancient Egyptian pyramids. The 蹤獲弝け and central New York communities can experience these breathtaking excursions inside 蹤獲弝けs Ho Tung Visualization Laboratory, which is now open for [因
    September 23, 2008
  • You might expect 蹤獲弝け alumnus and NBA player Adonal Foyles conversations with college students would revolve around the latest sports scores or his upcoming basketball season. But, politics? 蹤獲弝け students learned Tuesday that the 6-foot-10 Orlando Magic center is just as comfortable talking about political affairs. In fact, Foyle is an outspoken advocate of campaign [因
    September 17, 2008
  • Traveling around the world as a Thomas J. Watson fellow, Adam Hermans 07 has been able to combine his passionate interest in animals with his love for film. And now, Hermans is back home talking about the yearlong adventure.
    September 12, 2008
  • Even though first-years had barely stepped foot on 蹤獲弝けs campus last week, Adam Zimmermann 10 didnt waste any time getting the Class of 2012 fired up to vote. Recognizing a golden opportunity, Zimmermann, president of 蹤獲弝けs Student Association for Voter Empowerment (SAVE), decided to integrate a voter registration drive into Link orientation meetings.
    September 5, 2008
  • As the former chief executive officer and president of seven companies, including Revlon and DelMonte, Robert A. Fox 59 knows a thing or two about being an effective leader. On Wednesday, Fox returned to 蹤獲弝けs campus the place he credits with giving him the building blocks for success to offer leadership advice to [因
    August 22, 2008
  • 蹤獲弝け football players hope their strength and endurance pay off for charities that help fight rare diseases. At the Lift for Life fundraiser Friday, about 35 players will compete against each other in lifting and skills competitions.
    July 24, 2008
  • While his students are on summer vacation, Patrick ONeil, a social studies teacher from Charlotte, N.C., is spending time in a summer school at 蹤獲弝け. Graham Hodges has written numerous books and articles about slavery. ONeil and two dozen other K-12 teachers from as far away as California are taking on the role of [因
    July 18, 2008
  • If ever there were a poster child for upstate New York, Kevin McAvey 05 would be it. Like so many of his 蹤獲弝け friends, McAvey left the area after graduation, but, he says, his heart stayed in the upstate New York region. Theres still not a day I dont cross that border into upstate that [因
    June 24, 2008